Brad & Kellie Russ

Brad and Kellie Russ, live in Zambia, Africa with their two girls, Tatumn and Mayvis. The young couple was married in March of 2018. Neither Brad or Kellie came from Christian homes, but found the Lord later in life. Brad was an atheist until he had a radical encounter with the Lord many years ago, and Kellie gave her life to Jesus on a missions trip in Mexico.
They met in Zambia while they were pursuing the call of God on their lives, and are now living among the locals in a village just outside of Mwinilunga, Zambia where they were gifted 1200 acres by the local Chief. They have been invited into this land and people group to minister to the Lunda Tribe. They desire to share not only the gospel with the people, but their lives as well. Their heart and mission is to identify and raise up spirit filled leaders in this region, that have a heart for Jesus and excited to carry the message of Christ even further. They aim to train these men and women to continue making disciples of Jesus by doing life along side of them while teaching them the Word of God. From building a mission base to farming projects and training to discipleship and evangelism, God is doing a great work among the Lunda people!
To learn more about Brad and Kellie and their ministry, visit them on their Facebook page here.
Mike & Diane Constantine

Mike and Diane have been servants to the nations since 1981. For most of that time they have served in Malaysia, a multi-racial country in Southeast Asia. Their activities include preaching, teaching, counseling and writing. Their desire is to use any means they can to encourage health and healing for people, families, and churches.
Here are their websites:
MikeDiane.com | DianeConstantine.com | YourChildsJourney.com
David, Anna, & Betsy Fortier

We have the wonderful privilege of ministering the freeing gospel of Jesus Christ to people who have never heard the message before. In France, the Paris area is approximately 25% muslim. They have never heard the true gospel and are in bondage to a lie. We reach out to these men, women, and children and see miracles as God works and they turn to Him! Additionally, most french people who are not muslim, came out of a catholic background but now consider themselves atheist or agnostic. Many we talk to don't even know who Jesus is! We share the gospel and get to introduce people to a loving God! The best feeling in the world is sharing the gospel to someone and leading them to know Father God.
When we arrive in France we will be reconnecting with people we have led to the Lord and discipling them and starting a church. We will be laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover, we minister prophetically, we will see many miracles of provision. We will be evangelizing and bringing people into the family of God. All these things we will do and teach other believers to do in the church we will pioneer. This is such a privilege!
If you would like to support the Fortiers, you can visit their website at: fortierministries.com . Click on "Give" and select "Fortier Project" under "Giving Type."
Sam & Sherry Pollinzi

Sam Pollinzi is a Texas native, born in Dallas Texas and lived here all his life. He is full blooded Italian and loves his heritage and Italian food. He grew up in Old East Dallas where his Ministry is today.
Currently he is CEO of Restored Hope Ministires, a ministry dedicated to rescuing women and children from sex trafficking and sexually exploitation, founded in 2012. The ministry currently has a safehouse, an apartment complex and corporate office in Dallas, and is seeking a phase 2 house to double his capacity to rescue women. Please see www.rhmdallas.com for more information.
He served as pastor over “Project Life” at Covenant Church in Carrollton, Texas - a dynamic, intercultural body of believers with over 15,000 members and 8000 in weekend worship attendance. As the pastor of “Project Life” Sam oversees ministries such as Celebrate Recovery, Divorce Care, “LIFT” post-abortion ministry, drug & alcohol addiction and many others. Pastor Sam has a deep-rooted passion to see people healed of their hurts, habits, and hang-ups. God has uniquely equipped him with an inspiring testimony: Sam was convicted and sentenced to 40 years in prison for aggravated robbery and the sale of heroin in 1974. He was saved in 1977 and God set him free while Sam was still in prison. He was released in 1982, and now Pastor Sam shares his story as an example of God’s power to transform a life.
Sam is a proud father of 3, grandfather of 6 and self-proclaimed husband of the most beautiful woman in the world. Sam and Sherry currently live in Flower Mound, Texas.
Sherry was born in Marshall, Texas and has two sisters. Sherry went to and completed High School at Lewisville High School in Lewisville, Texas.
Sherry has been married to Sam Pollinzi for the past 26 years and has three grown children with 6 grandchildren.
In 1990 Sherry was diagnosed with Nodular Lymphoma and given two years to live. She struggled with cancer for 12 years and was healed in 2003 and has been cancer free for 13 years. She uses this experience to help other cancer patient through hospital visit and prayer.
Sherry is a woman of faith, one of the strongest women I have ever met.
Sherry has Pastored at Covenant Church in Carrollton for the last 2 years with her husband and Directed a very successful Celebrate recovery program among others like, Grief Share, Divorce Care, Abortion Ministry, and TNT for seniors for 6 years.
Sherry is currently Pastor and Ministry Director at Restored Hope Ministries, Inc.
King of Kings Community Jerusalem

King of Kings Community is called to be a compelling, Messiah-centered, Spirit-empowered, disciple-making community that reveals the true face of Yeshua (Jesus) to Israel and to the nations.
Their website: kkcj.org