of Faith
The Scriptures:
We believe that all of Scripture (both the Old and New Testament) is verbally inspired by God and is our final authority in all matters pertaining to doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (II Tim. 3:16, 17).
We believe in only one true God; One in essence, nature, and attributes, but existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (I Jn. 5:7).
Jesus Christ:
We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, of His shed blood on Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins, of His bodily resurrection and ascension to the Father’s right hand. We do not believe that He is simply “a” way to the Father, but rather the only way through which we can receive righteousness, regeneration, sanctification, and glorification. He is, in fact, our salvation (I Cor. 1:30-31).
Holy Spirit:
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine person, equal with God the Father and God the son and of the same nature; that he was active in creation of the universe; and he convicts of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; that he bears witness to the truth of the Gospel in preaching in testimony; and he is the agent and new birth; that he baptized every believer into the body of Christ; and that he seals, and dwells, guides, teaches, witnesses, sanctified us, and helps every believer (Gen. 1:1-3, Matt 28:19, Mark 1:8, Luke 1:35, John 1:33, John 14:16, Acts 5: 30-32, Acts 11:16, Rom 8:14-16, 1 Cor. 12:12-13, Eph 1:13-14).
The Church:
We believe that the church is comprised of all true believers who have received salvation through Christ (Eph. 1:22-23). We also believe in and encourage fellowship with a local church (Heb. 10:25).
We believe that all who, in repentance and faith, receive the Lord Jesus as Savior and Lord are born again (Acts 20:20-21; Rom. 10:9-13).
We believe in the 3 different baptisms:
1.) We believe the Holy Spirit baptizes us into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-13). This is your salvation testimony (Romans 10:9-10).
2.) We believe another believer baptizes you under full emersion (Matt. 28:19; Luke 3:21; Acts 8:36-38, 10:48).
3.) We believe that Jesus baptizes you with the Holy Spirit (Matt. 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16, John 1:33). We believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit is distinct from, and subsequent to, the new birth, and can be received by faith (Gal. 3:2 and Luke 11:13).
Gifts of the Spirit:
We believe that spiritual gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit are for the common good and building up of others today. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are divided into three categories (1 Corinthians 12:7–11):
Vocal Gifts—tongues, prophecy and the interpretation of tongues
Knowledge Gifts—word of knowledge, word of wisdom and the discerning of spirits
Power Gifts—healing, faith and miracles
The Apostle Paul encouraged us to earnestly desire spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 14:1. Although the gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to every person who receives the Holy Spirit, they are only activated by faith.
We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross has provided healing for the soul and human body (Mt. 8:16, 17; Isa. 53:4; I Pet. 2:24).
The Resurrection:
We believe in the resurrection of the just and the unjust; one to everlasting life and one to everlasting damnation (Mt. 25:46).
The Second Coming:
We believe in a literal, physical second return of the Lord Jesus Christ (I Th. 1:10; 4:16-17).
Statement on Marriage:
We believe that because God our Creator established marriage as a sacred institution between one man and one woman, the idea that marriage is a covenant only between one man and one woman has been the traditional definition of marriage for all of human history (“Traditional Definition of Marriage”). Because of the longstanding importance of the Traditional Definition of Marriage to humans and their relationships and communities, and, most importantly, the fact that God has ordained that marriage be between one man and one woman, as clearly conveyed in God’s inerrant Scriptures, including for example in Matthew 19:4-6 where in speaking about marriage Jesus referredto the fact that “he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,” the Church hereby creates this policy, which shall be known as the “Marriage Policy.”
The Traditional Definition of Marriage is the only definition of marriage that will be recognized or accepted. No elder, officer, employee, servant, agent, or any person, corporation, organization, or entity under the direction or control of this Church shall commit any act or omission, or make any decision whatever, that would be inconsistent with, or that could be perceived by any person to be inconsistent with, full support of this Church’s Marriage Policy and strict adherence to the Traditional Definition of Marriage rather than any alternative to the Traditional Definition of Marriage.
This Church’s Marriage Policy specifically prohibits acts or omissions including but not limited to permitting any Church assets or property, whether real property, personal property, intangible property, or any property or asset of any kind that is subject to the direction or control of the Church, to be used in any manner that would be or could be perceived by any person to be inconsistent with this Church’s Marriage Policy or the Traditional Definition of Marriage, including but not limited to permitting any church facilities to be used by any person, organization, corporation, or group that would or might use such facilities to convey, intentionally or by implication, what might be perceived as a favorable impression about any definition of marriage other than the Traditional Definition of Marriage.
We believe this Church’s Marriage Policy is based upon God’s will for human life as conveyed to us through the Holy Scriptures, upon which this Church has been founded and anchored, and this Marriage Policy shall not be subject to change through popular vote; referendum; prevailing opinion of members or the general public; influence of or interpretation by any government authority, agency, or official action; or legal developments on the local, state, or federal level. (Genesis 2:18-25, Ephesians 5:22-33, 1 Corinthians 7:39-40, Romans 7:1-3, Genesis 1:26-31, 1 Corinthians 7:1-7)